Over production make them not much more valuable than the standard edition and the included bonus item (a replica plasma cutter) was actually a scale model and not the full-sized replica people were hoping for. Thankfully it was not only rare but a really well put-together package, not what I would consider to be the best edition, but it would still be one of the better editions even if it wasn’t so limited.ĭue to the desirability of the Ultra Limited Edition the Collector’s Edition for Dead Space 2 was considered somewhat of a let-down. Low production numbers tend to be the best trait any collector could ask for and with only 1000 made the Ultra Limited Edition could have been nothing more than a regular game case with alternative art and made collectors still crave it. What I do know about Dead Space is that the first game received what is perhaps the most iconic and and one of the most sought-after editions of this generation, the “ Ultra Limited Edition“. Not that I don’t plan to play them (eventually) but one of the hazards of being a collector is that you buy far more games than you have time to play. I’ve never played any of the Dead Space games, though I own all 3. Unboxed: Dead Space 3 Dev Team Edition February 9th, 2013 Michael Pica